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Reiki-Infused Tiger's Eye Bracelet

Reiki-Infused Tiger's Eye Bracelet

Regular price $13.33 USD
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Personal Empowerment, Luck, Focus

Your bracelet will be cleansed, saged, meditated with, intentionally infused with Reiki, and charged with positive intentions for the highest good of the individual it is meant to find!


Tiger's Eye Meaning

Tiger's Eye is a stone of personal empowerment, good luck, focus, and mental clarity! Tiger's Eye balances masculine and feminine energy, as well as assists you in recognizing your own needs and desires. This is a great stone for you if you find yourself overgiving or spreading yourself too thin. Tiger's Eye also helps us resolve issues from an objective standpoint unclouded by emotions, and also serves to release toxins from the body and alleviate pain. This is a really great stone for students, individuals that suffer from ADHD, or those that may find it challenging to focus at times.


This bracelet makes a great gift and is also a great way to send or receive healing energy through the stone.



Solar plexus and sacral

Zodiac Pairings: 

Leo, Aries, Capricorn, and Gemini



8 inches, please gently slide over your wrist.


Every bracelet is saged, meditated with, and infused with Reiki (Universal Healing Energy) with the intention of amplifying the metaphysical properties of the crystal, as well as bringing forth healing to the corresponding chakras. In this case, the solar plexus and sacral chakras. 💛🧡

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    All our items ship within 2-3 days after your order is confirmed. Reiki is performed at the time you schedule, and tarot readings are performed within 24 hours after your order is confirmed.

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